St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    St Patrick's Catholic Primary School News

    The latest news stories from St Patrick's Catholic Primary School.


    News Stories

    • Toys and Book sale
      Please send in any good quality used or new Toys or Books for the Green day sale as soon as possible.
    • Can you help tomorrow ?
      St Patrick's Day is nearly here and we have lots to do to be ready for Green Day and the Parade.
    • You are warmly invited to Collective Worship on Thursday 7th March
      Year 4 Class Collective Worship is at 8.45am Year 6 Class Collective Worship is at 2.45pm
    • World Book Day - Friday 8th March
      We are celebrating World Book day on Friday. Children DO NOT need to wear a costume. The children will be doing lots of activities relating to their class reader or favourite stories.
    • Reception Class Assembly
      Friday 8th March at 2.40pm
    • Spring Music Festival
      Every year the school invites pupils from Key Stage 2 to share their musical talents in a special Spring Music Festival.
    • Robinwood
      Year 6 have had a wonderful first day at Robinwood in Todmorden!
    • Happy New Year
      We wish all our school family a very Happy New Year and many blessings for 2019!
    • Confirmation
      On Thursday 10th January at 7pm some of our Year 6 pupils will be confirmed by Bishop Marcus at St Patrick's Church.
    • Christmas Parties tomorrow - Thursday
      The children will have their class Christmas Parties tomorrow afternoon. Each child is asked to come in their own clothes suitable for a party but warm and comfortable enough to play outside.
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