St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

  1. Key Information
  2. Newsletters


Latest Newsletters

  • 24 Jul 2024
    Newsletter 19.7.24

    Please find attached the final newsletter of the year. It contains key contact information and links to summer activities across the city.

    Have a lovely summer
    Mrs Grady

  • 02 Jul 2024
    Newsletter 2.7.24

  • 29 May 2024
    Newsletter 29.5.24

    Please find attached the latest newsletter.

    I have put a message in about Canon Eugene's Golden Jubillee which he celebrates in the Parish this Sunday. Please try to attend 10am Mass to celebrate this very special occasion with him.

  • 26 Apr 2024
    Newsletter 26.4.24

  • 25 Mar 2024
    Notification of Ofsted Inspection - Tomorrow and Wednesday

    I have just been informed that we will be having an Ofsted inspection tomorrow and Wednesday. The pupils are aware of the visit.

    Tomorrow is our chance to show just how good our school is and all the hard work we, as a school community, have put in. We are looking forward to showcasing what great pupils we have and to show the inspection team just how proud we are of our school. Please make sure all children are in school on time in the morning looking super smart.

    Please find attached a letter from OFSTED with further details from the lead inspector. Try to complete the Ofsted parent view survey (the link is in the letter) – your views of the school will make a difference to the outcomes of the inspection. We were overwhelmed with your positive comments from the last parent survey.

    Thank you in advance for your ongoing support and commitment to St.Patrick’s school.

    Kind regards,

    Mrs C Grady