St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to

St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Safeguarding Support



The Governors and Staff at St.Patricks's are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils; making sure they are happy individuals who know how to keep themselves safe.

Staff do their best to keep pupils safe. We have a culture of vigilance and we will always take a considered and sensitive approach in order to support all our pupils. We are  committed to ensuring that pupils are aware of behaviour towards them is not acceptable and how they can keep themselves safe. The children know that all adults in school will listen to their concerns. They know that there are dedicated members of staff who lead on safeguarding. 

We utilise our curriculum to help students learn how to keep safe and manage risk. When problems are identified, staff take swift and appropriate action. Leaders, and all school staff ensure that students understand how to keep themselves safe from harm and exploitation. We provide a range of information and education for students to be safe citizens in the community. Leaders and staff create a safe and welcoming culture where poor behaviour of any kind is not tolerated.

Child protection and safeguarding is given the highest priority and we have a very comprehensive safeguarding and child protection policy. We are committed to working positively, openly and honestly with parents/carers. We ensure that all parents/carers are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy. We respect parents/carers’ rights to privacy and confidentiality and will not share sensitive information unless we have permission or it is necessary to do so to protect a child. Please be aware that our aim is always to act professional with the child’s safety and best interest at the forefront. We will share with parents/carers any concerns we may have about their child, unless to do so may place the child at risk of harm. 


We have a committed team who are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads, or 'DSL'.





If you see something outside school which makes you worried about a child’s safety, you should contact Leeds social care  on 0113 222 4403.


If you have an urgent concern about a child, or you need advice or information, you can call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here to visit the Childline website 


If you think a child is in immediate danger, do not delay – call the police on 999.