St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to

St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

  1. Key Information
  2. Special Educational Needs (Including SEND local offer)


                                                                                                Welcome to St.Patrick's SEND page. On here you will find the key information relating to how we look after children with                                                                                                                                                               additional/special /medical needs.                                                                             

Please see below for the key policies relating to SEND and links to services that offer further support to parents. 

                 If you would like to talk to someone in school about your child's needs and they have not yet started at St.Patrick's then please contact school on   0113 2480380 or email .

The School SENCo will arrange a call back or a visit for you to come into school to discuss this further. 



SEND policy 2023-24

SEND Local Offer 2023-24

SEND Leeds Offer

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2023-25

Further support for parents


We support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers to help with their related concerns or questions. We do this by providing a free, impartial and confidential service through our website and online resources. Parents, carers, children and young people self-refer to this service by contacting us directly.

Resources, support groups and contact information for parents and carers of SEND (UPDATED JULY 2024) :

Please also see the STARS flyer attached detailing workshops they will be running this next academic year. Parents/Carers can book the Parent/Professional workshops by emailing, stating which workshops they would like to book. STARS politely request that you let them know if you can no longer make a booked workshop as we frequently have waiting lists.