St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to

St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

  1. Key Information
  2. Policies
  3. Model Single Equality Scheme
  4. School Context

School Context

St Patrick’s offers a distinctive Catholic education within a caring Christian community. We work in partnership with our parents, parish and community.

St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School is situated in the Burmantofts Ward of Leeds, an area with significant social deprivation and is in the top 20% of socially deprived areas in the country. There is a high crime rate and 50% of our families are categorised as hard pressed according to Acorn Data. Approximately 90% of our pupils live in this area or in a ward close by that has similar deprivation levels. Those families that live outside of our local area are usually families that have moved during their child’s education and preferred to travel a little further and continue their child’s education at our school. All classes are full to the 30 pupil admission number and there are several appeals for places every year. Stability of the school’s population is close the the National average.

About a sixth of the pupils are eligible for FSM which is close to national average. The number of pupils with SEN is slightly higher than the national average. We have an increasing number of pupils whose first language is not English, which is more than double the national average. 14 different home languages are spoken by our pupils.  The demography of our school is continuously changing. Currently percentage of our BME pupils is in the top quintile of schools at 48% overall. Attendance is in line with the national average.