St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. News Update

    News Update

    9 December 2022 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    We reach the end of another busy week in school. Some important points to note :

    We have a considerable number of poorly children currently off school. We are seeing lots of symptoms including high temperature, sore throat, chesty cough and rashes. We have also had a small number of children report scarlet fever. Please ensure you do not send your child to school if they are unwell; we will phone you to collect them. 

    Click on this link for more info regarding scarlet fever/Strep A illness.                                     

    We have had some wonderful events take place this week, including the KS2 carol service in church which was lovely. Y5 and Y6 have both been to the theatre and have enjoyed two very different experiences. Today was Christmas dinner and Canon Eugene joined us for lunch. Catholic Care held their Christmas Community Pantry and gave everyone who was lucky enough to get a ticket a lovely gift. See our Twitter page for the latest photos. 

    Next week we are looking forward to the KS1 Nativity on Monday and Tuesday at 2.15pm. This is a ticket only event. All remaining tickets that were requested are coming home today. Please arrive no earlier that 2pm at the main playground gate. The gate will close at 2.10pm so please be prompt. 

    On Wednesday 14th we have Leeds City College in school at 8.50am. They are looking to run a parent group in the New Year. There will only be 10 places available and it will take place on one afternoon each week until Easter. The focus for the group will be developing English skills and supporting your child to learn to read. If you would like a place please phone the school office or come and meet the tutor on Wednesday and see what the course is all about. 

    A flyer is coming home today to invite children to the FOSP Christmas Disco on Thursday 15th December. KS1 and KS2 will be at different times so please read the flyer carefully. We hope that all the children will be able to join in.

    Christmas parties for each class will be the following week Rec/KS1 on Monday 19th and KS2 Tuesday 20th December- Children can wear party clothes on the day of their party. We will only be asking for a small donation of £1 per child to go towards covering costs. A flyer will come next week about this.  

    Remember we do not break for Christmas until Wednesday 21st December and we return on Wednesday 4th January. Mass in church on Wednesday 21st at 9.30am. 

    The Diocese of Leeds Music are hosting their annual Carol Concert this Sunday in the Cathedral at 4pm. They would love our families to join them. I am sure our children who sing in the Cathedral choir will be doing a great job showcasing their super voices!  

    And finally... we have children making their First Confession tomorrow in church. We have prayed for them in school today. Please remember them in your prayers this evening.        

    Have a good weekend

    Mrs Grady