St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. End of Term Events - Key Dates

    End of Term Events - Key Dates

    6 July 2022 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    Good morning,

    Just a brief reminder of dates as detailed in the last newsletter that are coming up between now and the end of term. 

    7th July 9am Sports Morning - open for parents to attend. Please stay on the playground after drop off. 

    9th July 6pm - Y6 Confirmation Mass 

    12th July - Transition afternoon. Every class will spend time in their new classroom. We also welcome our new Reception children into school for the afternoon. 

    Uniform Sale - All items of used uniform will be available for a small donation. This will be on display at the end of school in the playground. 

    6 -6.30pm Online Parent Meeting for new Reception parents - This will give our new parents the final chance to ask any questions before their children start in September. 

    14th July 6 - 8.30pm Y6 Leavers Mass in church and then disco and snacks in the hall. 

    15th July - End of year reports will go home today.

    18th July - Y6 end of school trip to Lightwater Valley

    19th July Bikeability in school working with Y6

    21st July - Afternoon and evening show of the Y6 production of Oliver 

    22nd July - End of term Mass 9.30am in church

    School closes for the end of year 

    The academic calendar for 2022-2023 is on the school website and will also be sent home with the end of year reports.

    There are a number of events planned for Y6 as you can see from above. Miss Micklethwaite will be putting further details on the Y6 Google Classroom page about them. A letter is coming home to Y6 today regarding tickets for Oliver.